Using GitHub Actions to Automate Image Classification with Microsoft Azure Custom Vision Services

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Category : GitHub-Actions, Automating, Python

My Workflow

I created this new GitHub Action available here with which we can automate the entire process of image classification with Azure Custom Vision. With this - all a user needs to do is:

  • Add the 4 SECRETS which are basically Azure Custom Vision Services Credentials. The process is explained in the README
  • Upload Image Dataset in the GitHub Repo and modify the tags, tagsVar and trainSize accordingly in the below yml file.

Here’s a sample workflow YML file using this Action:

name: Auto Custom Vision Classifier
    - '**.yml'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Automating Image Classification with Microsoft Azure Custom Vision Training and Prediction
      uses: mritunjaysharma394/autoCustomVision@v1.0
        tags: "[Hemlock,Japanese Cherry]" # Rename it according to the folder name under images/ which will also be our name to the tags
        tagsVar: "[hemlock_,japanese_cherry_]" # Rename it according to the symmetry of file names under images/tag/ 
        trainSize: "10" # Train Size of Each Tag
        endpoint: $
        trainingKey: $
        predictionKey: $
        predictionResourceid: $

Working Video Example:

About Mritunjay Sharma

Hi, my name is Mritunjay Sharma, a Computer Science Engineering Student, based in Lucknow, India, exlporing the tryst with Open-Source, delving into Python, framing things with Django, while dealing in Flasks, with a pinch of Shell scripts, a hint of C/C++ development in the kernel that is not found in the corn to eventually automate all of it and sometimes giving talks while sometimes writing poems, just like this one?

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